I think I may have found a solution, to no more hand washing brushes and spending endless hours in the bathroom ending up with prune hands yuck! I'm sure we have all been there right? Tell me I'm not alone on this one!

Here is the Video: Please watch it and let me know what you think! What do you prefer hand washing your brushes or a tiny machine that does it for you?
Brush Pearl, the Automatic Makeup Brush Cleaner that should make my life easy now right? Well as far as cleaning makeup brushes goes! So I'll make this easy for you, head over to our youtube page and there you will find my review and demo on this brush cleaning system! It's easier to show than tell . I will leave pictures below and leave you a few teasers as of what to expect from this cute little machine. I must admit it's also super cute and goes great with my vanity theme so when it's not in use it blends right in, Blending is very important as we all know lol!

How do you think the demo went? Leave your comments below I would love to hear from you guys!
Check out more over at: https://www.thegrommet.com

Want to see/hear more from @Fashionablydeisred?
Here are all of my handles for social media below!
Youtube: @Fashionablydesired
Instagram: @Fashionabydesired
Snapchat: @Fashionablydes

How do you think the demo went? Leave your comments below I would love to hear from you guys!
Check out more over at: https://www.thegrommet.com

Want to see/hear more from @Fashionablydeisred?
Here are all of my handles for social media below!
Youtube: @Fashionablydesired
Instagram: @Fashionabydesired
Snapchat: @Fashionablydes
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