New Amsterdam Vodka presents:


We often walk through the city and see various murals, street art, and graffiti.  For years graffiti was looked at with hazed eyes often considering it as defacing property.  Although many used it as showing gang affiliation or claiming turf, others have turned it into gorgeous murals and unique installation art.  Since the late 80's they've become vessels of social influences, political activism or empowerment.  I've often looked at it as a way to view how committed artists can be to creating street art in the most inconvenient and impossible places.  In fact, I'm a huge fan of the "TRANE" art on the bridge at Division (I think).

A few weeks ago New Amsterdam Vodka hosted an event featuring graffiti artworks by artists LIE and LADY LUcX.  The event took place at Chicago Truborn located near Chicago's Wicker Park neighborhood.  The location itself is committed to showcasing local urban art and successfully created a social atmosphere where drinks and hors d'oeuvres were served.  Also available was an opportunity to create your own graffiti art and wear it home on a fab t-shirt!

On view was art from both artists with various mediums and a few collaborations.  Their works were equally ethereal and raw.  It contained watercolors, latex paints, airbrush with perhaps some mixed elements to create some texture.  What also created a beautiful fusion of both artists was their use of color and how it was displayed.  It made viewing the work enjoyable and easy to differentiate the art from either artist.

There was really a lot of gorgeous imagery in the art.  There was certainly a common theme of geometric shapes and staring eyes looking back at me.  Also, I noticed partial glances of a female face and often reminded me of a futuristic Speed Racer or Tron.  

About LIE:

Lie (Jay Turner | b. 1982 | USA) is a Chicago Suburb born and based painter. After graduating from The Illinois Institute of Art – Schaumburg, he was a package designer/illustrator for 3 years until he opened Paper Crown Gallery in Arlington Heights, IL (2011). Submersing himself in the Chicago Street Art Scene, he became a student of urban art. Most of his work includes spray paint, acrylic, pencil, and some non-traditional techniques, however his work is ever changing as new inspirations and techniques unfold.
Lie says that his early experimentation with urban art began with pencil drawings and sketches.  When someone decided to show him how to paint with spray paint he was inspired by graffiti artists like Conor Harrington  among many others to piece together the elements that he liked.  This came long after he had graduated from Ai in video game design.  

About LADY LUcX:

{LUX: one measured unit of illuminance} LADY LUcX has been sharing her life through paintings and murals around Chicago, and the country, since 2010. Her mixed-media work explores the ideas of, intuition, finding magic in everyday things, women who defy convention, and the endless quest for balance in life. This is expressed with the heavy use of black and white color, tight line work with loose drips and clear details with vague backdrops- all uniting as one.

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