Happy (Black) Friday everyone! Yes, it is the day after thanksgiving, and you know what that means...Black Friday shopping awaits! Whether you are a hardcore shopper or are more casual, you definitely need the right outfit to score as many deals as you can, while looking stylish. Below are my styling tips on how to style a Black Friday shopping outfit!

1. Wear Comfortable Shoes. This tip, by far, is my number one, as you will be on your feet chasing all of the deals you can. So, go for a pair of stylish sneakers or flats.

2. Layer Up. Definitely wear layers, as you will be shedding them, as you get warm from standing in those long lines or as you get cold from walking to the back of the parking lot for your car.

3. Go for Easy On/Off. Wear pieces, such as cute tees, jogger pants, and comfortable flats/sneakers that slip on and off without a glitch. This way, you will be able to try on A LOT of clothes, shoes, and accessories without having to worry about your outfit getting messed up.

4. Add a Pop of Color. It is easy to style your whole look around neutrals, but it is the kickoff of the Christmas season, so why not add a hint of a festive color, such as red to your look. Even if you go for a simple red lip, then you are sure to add a dose of personality and fun to your ensemble.

5. Visit emilyehardt.com for more Black Friday styling tips!

Follow @emilyehardtblog on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Also, follow @halfstackmag on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!
Stay Classy!
---Emily Ehardt---

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