I attended the sold out Schubas performance with anticipation having interviewed front man Justin Osborne just a few days prior. We had a powerful discussion about music and consciousness and I had a feeling the band would not disappoint.
This was certainly the case as SUSTO delighted the crowd with a high-energy, heartfelt performance. After their hour on stage the crowd was singing along to their lyrics as well as singing their praises.
The indie-acid, twangy (often described as dark country) sounds of SUSTO have a level of depth that I haven’t seen in a young band in a long time. This depth is complimented by a powerful melodic feel that permeates their songs and leaves audiences with something to hold on to.
Their songs range from a 90’s indie rock sound, like the song "Jah Werx" to the twangy country song "Diamond’s Icaro" both from their latest album & I'm Fine Today.
Front man Justin Osborne lit up the stage with a fierce charisma that draws the audience in, while bass player Jenna Desmond, and guitarist/keyboardist Corey Campbell offer a soft and steady vibe that compliments the piercing lyrics and powerful drums.
The entire band has a synergy and comfort that invites the audience to be at ease. You can tell these guys are thoroughly enjoying themselves and the complexity of Justin’s brooding artist vibe invites a certain curiosity about his lyrics.
Osborne has made many sacrifices to follow his heart and be authentic in his life and the result has produced a hard-working, talented group of musicians that are inviting others to be authentic. And to see the exquisite beauty in life, even among the challenges and heartache.
If you are looking for some new sounds, no matter what your age, SUSTO attracts young and old by offering their audiences a depth of sound and a complexity of music only seen in some of the timeless rock and roll classics.
For more information about the band, visit:
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