If you are in your last year of college, or have ever been in this exact same situation, then you would know that Senior year is definitely ...
Temple's Beauty Bars
With all of the tragedies going on in our city and in our neighborhoods, it is very easy to lose hope in our communities and even in humanit...
Elite: Wellness awaits you!
Elite Wellness is a facility located in Highland Park that focuses on "health, wellness and revitalization." They offer an extensi...
Give Me Your Eyes
By: Rachael Stewart As humans, it is in our nature to be consumed with what goes on in our lives. Whether it be finances, social status, our...
Love Yourself(ie): Life Lessons For Kid Charisma by Andrea A. Lewis
Love Yourself(ie): Life Lessons For Kid Charisma is a perfect read for kids and preteens! Recently I was able to receive the book to read th...
Aromatherapy - Finding Balance through Scent
It is so important to find balance in your life. The ups and downs of life and work can truly get the best of people sometimes. When you...
Things to Do: South Loop Coffee Fest
If you're looking for something fun and local to do next weekend in Chicago, make sure to check out the South Loop Coffee Fest. Organize...