Hey everyone!

I hope you are enjoying our new series: Making It. In this episode of Making it - We close out our fashion label launch discussion with The Apparel Agency - a Midwest design agency that specializes in taking brands from concept to final product.

This week we learn about the final step (BUILD) in their process to get ideas production ready. This is a great video that offers insight into launching your own label. Their design team highlights what it takes to create prototypes and samples for approval before a product hits the factory floor. They even offer some insight to potential obstacles that brands might face during the production and pre-production phases.

Subscribe to keep up with Halfstack and the next upcoming episodes of Making it! Next week, we visit an indie Chicago iconic designer: Anna Hovet and close out our Fashion Season with a visit to the Chicago creative collective and boutique: Maybe Sunday in Pilsen. Season two is already in session and will be focused on Artists in the city of Chicago. If you want to pitch us to feature your brand, business or story - email us at: halfstackmagazine at gmail dot com!

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