Men and women are vastly different, sometimes to the point that it can be hard to believe that they are of the same species. Women are more emotionally charged creatures while men have a tough time expressing those feelings but are inclined to view the world in a more logical sense. Logic however, is not always the best way to view a situation as it is easy to overlook the most important factor which is how you own self can feel about a certain situation.
In the very clever words of a Neil Young song " you are like a hurricane, there's calm in your eye. And I'm gettin blown away". Is your wife like a hurricane? With the differences of men and women, it is hard for the opposite sex to understand what their counterpart is thinking and how they view the world around them. Often times, men and women will try to get the other sex to see things from their perspective but will fail more often than not. It is best that you accept that you are not capable of fully understanding how the other person views things along with understanding and respecting the differences.
How much do you talk?
If you love to talk on the phone with friends and even strangers, you can go on for hours, chances are you are a woman. If you do not feel a need to express your thoughts entirely on a consistent basis, chances are you're a man. Now that you know your gender, you must understand that as a man, if you are hoping that women in your life will not talk quite so much, you're going to be disappointed. And as a woman, if you are trying to get that man in your life to express his feelings more, this will be a tough task for you to accomplish. It is best that both of you accept the fact that your methods of communicating will always differ.
How you are wired
When it comes to situations where an action is required, men will tend to use physical actions as a response while women are more likely to use communication. In intense situations, this explains why historically men will tend to engage in combat while women will yell and argue.
When it comes to decision making, women tend to have a better track record when it comes to this. While men will take a more aggressive approach, women are more likely to think things over and go the conservative route which often leads to the better choice in most cases. Contrary to popular belief, women are able to make better financial decisions in the long run because of their thought process involving investment decisions.
Neither the man nor woman is choosing to act or respond a certain way in a given situation. They are simply doing what their brain is naturally wired to do. There are always exceptions, but for the most part this holds true across the board. This is why when people try to change the opinion of the other gender, they often fail. Their counterpart will not understand them at the same time, they will not understand why their counterpart is not able to understand.
As a woman, it is pretty simple to cater towards a man's emotional needs. Remain faithful, avoid arguments and keep the nagging to a minimum. As a man however, it becomes a little bit more challenging to satisfy a woman emotionally. It's not hard for a woman to turn down the dial on her emotional response, but it can be tough for a man to rise up to the emotional level of a woman.
Range of emotions
Women's emotional needs include the ability to feel a wide range of emotions, feelings of trust and safety, also sexual performance. It is not good enough to just make a woman happy, she will always have a desire to feel other emotions like sadness and even anger which will then lead to a greater appreciation for those good moments. She must be able to trust her mate and if you are able to demonstrate that you are capable of protecting her in compromising situations, this will help as well. Being sure that she is the fulfilled sexually will also go a long way in maintaining a good long-term relationship.
As long as both the woman and man accept that they are unable to comprehend each other's views on certain topics completely, there is no reason both genders should not be able to get along quite nicely. Men's emotional needs are quite simple yet their stubbornness may create more friction if a problem arises. At the same time, womens emotional needs are complicated though they are less likely to overreact and are more willing to rectify the situation if there is a problem.
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